Monday, November 22, 2010

Redwall - Chapters 2 - 5


Read Redwall chapters 2 through chapter 5


What type of guy is Cluny as described in Chap 2 & 4 ?

Contrast the tone of the story in Chapters 2 & 4 versus Chapters 3 & 5.

What do you feel when reading ch 2 & 4 ?

What do you feel when reading ch 3 & 5 ?

By the end of Chapter 5 - what is Matthias and Constance & the rest feeling that they weren't before?

1 comment:

  1. 1. I feel that chapters 2 & 4 describe Cluny as a competent, villainous, tyrant of a rat that cares for nothing as long as he gets his way.

    2. Chapters 2 & 4 filled me with good cheer, while chapters 3 & 5 made me fill up with despair.

    3. When I read chapters 2 & 4, I felt good cheer. I felt the happiness of a feast, and the companionship of a large meal with friends.

    4. While reading chapters 3 & 5, I felt almost exactly the opposite. I felt a sense of tyranny, fear, and oppression. I could feel the malevolence that Cluny exuded in waves.

    5. I think that they were feeling a sense of mystery and fear.
