Thursday, December 16, 2010

Redwall: Ch 17-20, Book 1

Please answer these questions:

1. Why is it difficult for Ragear to think for himself whn he becomes separated from Cluny?

2. What conditions does Matthias find whenhe enters the church? What does Cluny's treatment of the church tell us about him?

2b - Have you have seen anyone treat something poorly, and that action affected how you viewed that person?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Redwall: Chapters 17-20 (book 1)

Each of the sentences below is spoken by Basil Stag Hare. To help clarify what Basil means, try paraphrasing the dialect given below in your own words.

1. "Capitol camouflage. You just try lying down anywhere in the shadows. Believe you me, you'd have trouble finding yourself."

2. "Top hole-cover, absolutely!"

3. "Never let it be said in the mess that Basil Stag Hare was backward in coming forward."

4. "... munching at the old nosebag."

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Redwall - Ch 17-20

Assignment: Read Redwall Chapters 1-20

Vocabulary: Look up and Write the Definition for each of these words.

1. poleaxing
2. outmoded
3. curtilage
4. repast
5. ruminate
6. curmudgeon
7. fletching
8. haversack
9. flaccid
10 sibilant

Monday, December 6, 2010

Redwall - Ch 9-16

Read Redwall Chapters 9 through 16.

As you are reading, think about the use of fear. How does Cluny hope to use fear to his advantage? How do the residents of the Abby (both the permanent and the relocated residents)react to fear?

Please give this a lot of thought and be specific in your examples. I want a couple of good paragraphs on "fear".