Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Redwall - Ch 17-20

Assignment: Read Redwall Chapters 1-20

Vocabulary: Look up and Write the Definition for each of these words.

1. poleaxing
2. outmoded
3. curtilage
4. repast
5. ruminate
6. curmudgeon
7. fletching
8. haversack
9. flaccid
10 sibilant


  1. 1. poleaxing: hitting someone with a poleaxe.
    2. outmoded: not being in style
    3. curtilage: a piece of ground within the fence sorounding a house.
    4. repast: something taken as food
    5. ruminate: to go over in the mind repeatedly and often casually or slowly
    6. curmudgeon: a crusty, ill-tempered, usually old man
    7. fletching: the feathers of an arrow
    8. haversack: a bag similar to a knapsack but worn over one shoulder
    9. flaccid: not firm or stiff
    10. sibilant: having, containing, or producing the sound of or a sound resembling that of the s or the sh in sash

  2. When writing adefinition, it is best to not use a root of the word in the definition (as in your #1 Seth).
    What is the correct spelling for your word "sorounding" ?
    Good job with the definitions... :)

  3. Sorry! I believe it was meant to be "surrounding".
