Monday, November 15, 2010

Redwall - Chapter 1

Assignment: Read Chapter 1 of Redwall.

1. What does the first paragraph make you think about Matthias? What type of mouse is he? What specific phrase(s) lead you to believe that?

How does Father Abbot think of Matthias? Is he mad at Matthias for being who he is? Why or Why Not?

3. What's your opinion of Father Abbot's view that "the day of the warrior is gone". Do you think he's right? Why?

1 comment:

  1. 1. The first paragraph makes me think of an eager to please mouse. He is quick and confused by everything that is going on, but he still wants to make a good impression.

    2. I think that Father Abbot thinks kindly of Matthias, even if Matthias does cause trouble all around the Abby. Abbot doesn't get angry at Matthias, but he does gently reprimand the young mouse. I think that Father Abbot can relate to Matthias because he was the same way when he was just a young novice.

    3. I think that the Abbot's words are right. The days of the OLD warrior are gone. But there will be trouble, and someone will have to make a stand for the freedom of all in Mossflower county.
