Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Redwall - book 2 Chapters 1-4

Assignment: Read Redwall book 2, Chapters 1-4.


1. Authors often include a humorous character or characters in a story at a dramatic or tragic point to provide comic relief, or a break from the tension of the plot. Basil Stag Hare is an example of comic relief. List three or more examples of what he does or says that makes him amusing.

2. When Cluny the Scourge orders Shadow to steal the image of Martin the Warrior from the tapestry, the residentsof Redwall are upset, disappointed, and broken-hearted. However, what do they discover as a direct result of the hole in the tapestry?

3. As we go into Book 2, chapters 1-4, what is the most notable thing that happens?

1 comment:

  1. 1. (1) Basil sprinkles the rats with daisies (2) He jumps around the rats like it's a game, making the rats look like fools (3) "A bit late, but I'm only a bachelor in single quarters, what!"
    2. The message left by Martin on what Matthias should do and how to find him.
    3. Cluny attacks Redwall Abbey.
